Click here for surfing in Santa Cruz (60 miles south) and Monterey (100 miles south). Half Moon Bay Top Family-friendly Activities
General Surf Conditions in Half Moon Bay
Generally speaking, Half Moon Bay’s surf is often less than desirable because it is too exposed to the ocean and the Bay’s bottom is too flat to create the desired surf conditions. On occasion, though, when the the perfect set of environmental conditions hit, it can create some truly great surfing conditions along the four miles of sandy beaches that make up the crescent shape of Half Moon Bay.
Mavericks – Half Moon Bay’s Most Famous Surf Spot
Just north of Half Moon Bay in Princeton, CA, the famous Mavericks can be found a ½ mile off of the Pillar Point Marsh shoreline.
During the winter months the perfect set of environmental conditions can come together to create some of the biggest waves on the planet! Although spectacular to look at, the waves at Mavericks should only be negotiated by professionals. Less experienced surfers can find more appropriate waves along the local beach beaks.
Additional Surf Links:
| Surf Report – Half Moon Bay and San Francisco
| Wet Sands – World Wide Waves – Provides information on surf, tide and beach conditions.
| Mavericks – The Wave Beyond. This is a Web site dedicated to the surfing contest at Mavericks.
Half Moon Bay, CA 650) 726-8686
Surfing Lessons and Camps for the world-class waves of Half Moon Bay, California
25 Johnson Pier, Pillar Point Harbor, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Telephone: (650) 560-8088