San Gregorio Travel Information
Historic San Gregorio – Once a thriving, booming community in the 1850s when it catered to wealthy San Franciscans looking for outdoor adventures, it's now primarily home to the Historic San Gregorio General Store (shown above). The general store houses a post office, store and bar.
Area Snapshot
|| Location – Located 11 miles south of Half Moon Bay and 38 miles north of Santa Cruz.
|| Population – Around 300 residents
|| First Settled – The community has been thriving since 1850s
|| Weather – Generally speaking, San Gregorio has the warmest daytime temperatures during the spring and fall months. During the summer months, days can be overcast, foggy, and very chilly – especially in June and July . During the afternoons, the fog will often rollback to the coastline, allowing the town to warm in the summer sun. Winter months are often overcast, rainy and cold.
|| Primary Industries – farming, and some tourism.
Area Attractions:
• San Gregorio State Beach 650-879-2170 – The area includes a protected, driftwood-strewn estuary at the back of a wide, sandy beach – with grassy bluffs along the coast. The estuary is home to many birds and small animals. California Historical Landmark 26 commemorates the passage of Spanish Explorer Captain Gaspar de Portolá through this area in October 1769. Directions: The beach is located 10.5 miles south of Half Moon Bay on Highway 1. More >>
Tourist Destinations:
• Historic San Gregorio General Store (650) 726-0565 – General store and bar serving San Gregorio since 1889. Live music every weekend